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D.O. (Douwe) van Montfoort MD

Orthopedic surgeon - BIG 89062714401

"Within orthopedics, patient care has always been a priority for me. The entire treatment process, from complaint, additional examination to the correct diagnosis and treatment of the patient, gives me an enormous challenge and satisfaction."


  • Shoulder prosthetics and arthroscopy
  • Elbow prosthetics, arthroscopy and ligamentous injury
  • Sports injuries of shoulder, elbow
  • Hand wrist surgery.

After my specialization as an orthopedic surgeon, I focused on the treatment of both shoulder and elbow surgery and the treatment of hand and wrist complaints through various fellowships at home and abroad. Because of these specializations I can offer you a very extensive range of techniques within the surgical treatment of your complaint.


D.O. (Douwe) van Montfoort MD

Orthopedic surgeon - BIG 89062714401

"Within orthopedics, patient care has always been a priority for me. The entire treatment process, from complaint, additional examination to the correct diagnosis and treatment of the patient, gives me an enormous challenge and satisfaction."


  • Schouder prothesiologie en arthroscopie
  • Elleboog prothesiologie, arthroscopie en ligamentair letsel
  • Sportletsels van schouder, elleboog
  • Hand pols chirurgie.

Na mijn specialisatie tot orthopedisch chirurg heb ik mij via diverse fellowships in binnen- en buitenland gericht op de behandeling van zowel de schouder- en elleboogchirurgie als de behandeling van hand- en polsklachten. Door deze specialisaties kan ik u een zeer uitgebreid scala bieden van technieken binnen de chirurgische behandelingen van uw klacht.