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01) How fast can I have my first consultation?
We work without waiting lists and try to schedule a first consultation with the right specialist within one week. Furthermore, we combine consultation and diagnosis in our clinic. We plan surgical treatments immediately- if your situation allows it.
02) How can I make an appointment?
You can make an appointment by phone, e-mail or online. You can also use the Call back option on our website.
03) Where is Eisenhower Clinic located?
You can reach our clinic easily by car and via public transport. It is possible to park your car in our garage after you check in at our gate. From our garage you only need to take the elevator to the 4th floor to get to our clinic. Please let us know if you need any kind of assistance after parking your car.
04) Do I need a GP referral?
You do not need a letter of referral for a consultation at Eisenhower Clinic.
05) What should I bring to my first consultation?
• Your ID
We are obliged to verify who is visiting our clinic.

• Insurance information
Please bring the name and contact details of your insurance company. You will normally pay your visits and get reimbursed later by your insurance company. However for surgical procedures we try to agree on a direct invoicing to your insurance company.

Please bring all available information about your health insurance.

• Your referral
If you have a Dutch insurance you need a referral to get reimbursement from your insurance company. Your GP will send us the referral letter in most cases. Please consult your foreign insurance policy for their specific conditions.

• Medical file
Have you been treated before in any hospital or clinic? Please ask for a copy of your medical file and bring this with you at your first visit. You can request your medical file for free at the institution where you have been treated. This is the fastest way to get your medical file and to not delay your appointment any longer than necessary.

• PIN or credit card
If you have a foreign insurance you will pay for your visit directly. Also when you have a Dutch Natura insurance you will pay your personal contribution at your first visit. You can pay with your PIN or creditcard.
06) Where will I get my treatment?
Consultations, (most) diagnostics and non-operative treatment will take place in our own clinic in The Hague. Surgical procedures take place at various locations, such as the Alrijne hospital in Leiderdorp, Flex Clinics and Acibadem International Medical Center.
07) Does my insurance company reimburse my treatment?
Please find more information regarding reimbursement on our website by clicking here o Reimbursement.
08) Assignment Act
If you have Dutch health insurance and your health care provider permits, we will send the invoice directly to your insurer and we will also process the payment directly with them. For this you sign a so-called Assignment Act with which you agree that we may carry out this settlement on your behalf. You can download the Assignment Act via the following link Assignment Act.
09) Does the clinic perform a pre-emptive MRSA screening?
You may, without even being aware, be infected with bacteria that are insensitive to the most common antibiotics; these particularly insusceptible bacteria are rare in the Netherlands. In places where a lot of antibiotics are used, there is a greater chance of contracting these particular bacteria, like in foreign hospitals and / or at a livestock farm.Needless to say we want to prevent these bacteria from spreading, next to the fact that we are also expected to take measures to that end.

Would you therefore be so kind as to browse the questions below before your visit to our clinic?

Have you been admitted to a foreign healthcare institution in the past two months?
Do you live or work with live pigs, veal calves or broilers?
Are you (or your housemate(s)) familiar with the carrier of a resistant bacterium, for example: MRSA, VRE or ESBL?
During the past two months, have you been admitted to another Dutch healthcare institution where an epidemic with a resistant bacterium prevailed: MRSA, VRE or ESBL?
Did you answer one or more questions with YES? Then report this directly to our reception prior to your appointment. If you have answered all questions with NO then simply proceed.
Thank you for your cooperation.

In the event of an actual MRSA-BRMO infection or a suspicion, we will act in accordance with the national guidelines of the Working Group on Infection Prevention (WIP).


Eisenhower Clinic
Eisenhowerlaan 77f
2517 KK The Hague
+31 (0) 70 20 59 800

Eisenhower Kliniek

For directions to our clinic please click on Google maps (or Google Streetview) or find a download here. For access to our parking garage please report yourself at the gate on the left of the main entrance of the building.

Operation locations

Acibadem International Medical Center
Arlandaweg 100
1043 HP Amsterdam

Acibadem International Medical Center

For directions to this location please click on Google maps.

Soestwetering 12
3543 AZ Utrecht


For directions to this location please click on Google maps.

Biltseweg 14
3735 ME Bosch en Duin


For directions to this location please click on Google maps.